Can you put metal in an air fryer?

An air fryer is a small appliance that cooks food by circulating hot air around it. This cooking method is a great option for people who are looking for a healthier way to cook, as it doesn’t use oil. There are a variety of sizes of air fryers, so you can find one that’s perfect for your needs as an instant pot air fryer combo.

While using an air fryer, weird questions might pop up in your mind and one such question came to my mind the other day that is, “Can you put metal in an air fryer?”

We did some digging on the internet and here is what we found.  Keep reading!

Can you put metal in an air fryer?

Conditional YES!

Oven safe cookware is perfect for use in an air fryer. These pots and pans can withstand high temperatures, which means that they won’t melt or otherwise damage your food while cooking. If your stainless steel or any other metal utensils are oven safe, you can use them in air fryer. Oven safe pots and pans are specially designed to withstand high temperature up to 500F so you can cook your meals without any unhealthy content mixing up with it. Pots and pans which aren’t oven save shouldn’t be used in an air fryer because the art work on the pots may melt, the nonstick coating or paint or the pot itself might melt inside the air fryer to create an incident.

Can you put metal in an air fryer

Which utensils can you put in an air fryer?

As we said, you can use oven safe utensils in an air fryer including ceramic, glass, plastic, or any other metal utensils that’re designed to be oven safe. You can use these pots for air frying, cooking, baking and reheating your meals.

Can we use plates in an air fryer?

You can use plates in an air fryer as long as it does not restrict the heated air flow around the food. Plus, the plates should be oven safe. Since the hot air will not be able to reach the bottom of the food due to plate not being perforated, it is not recommended to use plates in an air fryer instead air frying baskets are the perfect choice.

So, the conclusion is, we can use anything in an air fryer as long as it is oven safe and can withstand high temperature up to 400-500F. Secondly, since we are using hot air circulation to cook our food, the pot and pans shouldn’t be restricting and limiting the air flow around the ingredients. That would result in uneven and undercooked food and that’s the last thing anybody would want for their family and guests. Cheers and Happy Cooking!

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About the author

Emma Mia

Emma Mia loves food blogging and turned their hobby into reality by starting their own blog about food. She has tested many air fryers and is honest about the results.